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From Lake Garda to Rome – After our first stage from Lake Garda to the Cinque Terre, we continued our Interrail adventure with a train journey to Rome. This stage of our journey took us via Pisa and Florence. Once we arrived in Rome, we immersed ourselves in the historical and cultural heart of the Eternal City.

We visited important sights such as the Spanish Steps and the Trevi Fountain, marveled at the Colosseum and the Vatican and were enchanted by the Roman cuisine. Our report describes the moments and experiences that made this trip an unforgettable life experience.

Day 3: Train journey from Monterosso to Rome (via Pisa and Florence)

After the two wonderful days in the Cinque Terre, we continued on to Rome. Our train to Pisa was already 10 minutes late when we boarded in Monterosso, so we panicked a little. On our train journey to Rome, we had a bit of a buffer to change trains, which we hadn’t taken into account when planning. But as it is, after the panic comes the relief smile

We made the connecting train in Pisa without any problems, even though the clock showed a delay of 15 minutes. 3 minutes transfer time was enough, and the following regional train to Florence was also 5 minutes late. We arrived in Florence almost on time, so that we were able to catch the express train to Rome without any problems.

Arrival in Rome

The walk from the train station to our accommodation, the Hotel Doria, took about 10 minutes. Thanks to Käthe’s planning, we were able to walk comfortably from the station to the hotel. That was necessary, because after our hiking day in the Cinque Terre I had such sore muscles that I even found it difficult to go to the toilet.

From Lake Garda to Rome-entrance to our hotel

After checking into the hotel, we visited the Capuchin church of Santa Maria Immacolata a Via Veneto. This Catholic church with its museum and ossuary, where around 4,000 monks are buried, made a big impression on us. The bones in the crypt, artfully arranged with flowers, ornaments etc., reminded us of the similar Ossuary Ossario di Custoza on the Belvedere hill on Lake Garda, where the bones of fallen soldiers are exhibited.

From Lake Garda to Rome - Capuchin Church of Santa Maria Immacolata

After visiting the church, we made our way to the Spanish Steps and the Trevi Fountain. We had expected Rome to be lively, but the crowds and pushing and shoving, especially at the Trevi Fountain, surpassed anything we had experienced in the Cinque Terre. Despite the crowds, both sights were impressive, especially the Trevi Fountain was illuminated in the evening, a truly magical sight.

After our afternoon/evening sightseeing tour of Rome, we treated ourselves to a very tasty pinsa at Pins Italy. The perfect culinary end to the day was a Roman ice cream. What more could a man/woman wish for?

The Trevi Fountain in Rome in the evening

From Lake Garda to Rome – Day 4

After a breakfast of cappuccino and toast with avocado and egg at Gran Caffè al nazionale, our first planned destination was the Colosseum. At first we thought about taking the Hop On Hop Off bus, but that wasn’t right for us and so we decided to take a tour on foot. One of Käthe’s colleagues (a Latin speaker) also gave us tips on the best way to do everything and we didn’t have to see any sights from the inside for our first visit. We first wanted to get an overview of the various sights.

So our adventure in Rome began with an impressive view of the Colosseum. Even just seeing this monumental building from the outside was a real highlight. As we walked on, we could literally feel the historical aura as we strolled around the Roman Forum.

Our next destination was the Circus Maximus. To be honest, we had expected a little more. It was interesting, but not as overwhelming as we had imagined. But the beauty of Rome is that there are surprises at every turn.

We continued our walk and reached the Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II, where we unexpectedly came across the Teatro di Marcello – a pleasant surprise. In contrast to other famous sights, the atmosphere here was calm and the building itself captivated us. We then admired the Victor Emmanuel Monument, whose imposing size and splendor can hardly be put into words. Our route took us on to the Pantheon, Castel Sant’Angelo and finally to the Vatican.

St. Peter’s Basilica was already an incredible sight from the outside. We decided that we absolutely had to go inside on our next visit to Rome. After so much sightseeing, it was time for a break and we found a nice little bar in a side street. There we enjoyed the best and cheapest Aperol Spritz – for an incredible 5 euros!

Strengthened, we strolled through the Prati district and on through the lively Campo Marzio. Andy insisted on visiting the Platz der Republik, even though our feet were already burning. But we went through with it and went there too. It was interesting, but not necessarily the highlight of our tour.

It was already late in the evening when we made our way back to the hotel. On the way there, we stopped for dinner at the Tosca restaurant. Unfortunately, the restaurant did not meet our expectations and we cannot recommend it to others.

Rome is a city full of history, culture and surprises. Every corner tells its own story and we can hardly wait to come back and discover more!

Way to St. Peter's Basilica in Rome - Impressive sight

From Rome back to Lake Garda – Day 5

On the morning of our departure day, we visited the Gran Caffè al Nazionale again, which had already impressed us with its excellent range and friendly atmosphere. Strengthened and satisfied, we then set off on the train journey home to Rovereto.

The return journey was a little quieter than the outward journey, as the trip was filled with so many impressive experiences that we needed some time to sort out all the great impressions and process them in our minds. The journey went smoothly and punctually again, first from Rome to Bologna and then on to Rovereto, without any incidents worth mentioning. Top!

From Lake Garda to Rome via the Cinque Terre – our conclusion

This trip to Italy was truly unforgettable. We started with a smooth ride from Lake Garda to the Cinque Terre, a journey that took us through some of Italy’s most beautiful landscapes. This stage of our trip was characterized by impressive coastal panoramas and the unique beauty of the Italian Riviera.

Our stay in Rome was a profound experience in which we absorbed the rich history and culture of the city. From impressive monuments such as the Pantheon and the Colosseum to hidden treasures such as the Teatro di Marcello, every moment was a highlight in itself. The culinary discoveries, from lively street cafés to traditional restaurants, were a feast for the senses despite the occasional disappointment.

Special praise is due to the Italian railroad Trentitalia and the Frecciarossa express train. Your reliable and comfortable service has greatly enhanced our travels within Italy, including our smooth and punctual return journey from Rome to Rovereto. The efficiency and comfort of these train journeys were impressive and contributed significantly to our positive overall impression.

This trip has enriched our lives and provided us with countless memories and stories to take home with us.

FAQ – From Lake Garda to Rome via the Cinque Terre

How long should you plan for a sightseeing tour in Rome?

We were actually only in Rome for a full day, which is far too short. Our first aim was to get an overview of the city and the sights. We almost managed that in one day, but had almost no opportunity to see the “highlights” from the inside. If you want to visit one or two attractions, you should plan 3 to 4 days.

How long is the train journey from Lake Garda to Rome?

The return journey from Rome to Lake Garda took about 4 hours, with a change of trains in Bologna. The journey from Bologna to Rovereto took just as long as the express train from Rome to Bologna.

Does it make sense to travel by car from Lake Garda to Rome?

In principle, you can also travel there by car. This long car journey was out of the question for us, and we didn’t fancy the traffic in Rome either. The parking situation is very difficult, so we would recommend parking outside the city. For us, the train ride was the best and most relaxing journey.



When is the best time to travel to Rome?

Rome is a tourist magnet and is visited by many people. We were there in October (during the school vacations in Rhineland-Palatinate) and it was still full in Rome. The weather was perfect for sightseeing, even though there were a few brief showers, the temperatures were still around 20 °C. It would be too hot for us in summer…

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