
Alles, was sonst keinen Platz findet, kommt in diese Kategorie. 😊

Der Gardasee ist und bleibt unser Thema Nummer 1. Aber es gibt viele weitere Dinge, die uns interessieren. Wir lieben das Reisen, insbesondere Städtetrips haben es uns angetan. Wir teilen sehr gerne unsere Erfahrungen und geben euch hoffentlich hilfreiche Tipps.

Im Unterpunkt “Gedanken” beschäftigen uns Themen wie das “Verlassen der Komfortzone”, oder das Bloggen, wenn man älter wird. Natürlich erfordert das Bloggen Zeit und Energie, aber wir arbeiten leidenschaftlich an verschiedenen Themen und haben Spaß daran.

Unter Produktbewertungen findet Ihr Tipps zu Produkten, die wir selbst verwenden und deshalb auch empfehlen können.

Wir lieben italienisches Essen. Da sind wir bestimmt nicht allein. Deshalb teilen wir unsere Lieblingsrezepte der italienischen Küche mit Euch.


City trips

Manchmal zieht es uns auch in andere Länder! Habt ihr einen Lieblingsurlaubsort?

We love to travel. Italy, especially Lake Garda, is our number 1. Hopefully this will not change anytime soon. But sometimes we long for other countries and other cities. City trips have a special appeal for us. It’s always exciting to explore the sights and highlights of other cities. One of our favorite cities is London, but of course also New York, Berlin, Hamburg, Venice and many more. Little by little we will tell you about our experiences from these places.

Before Corona we had the opportunity to make a round trip through India (Golden Triangle) and also in China. These were very special experiences that we will share with you on occasion.

Short trip to Paris by train

Short trip to Paris by train

Paris - Actually the "City of Love"? Short trip to Paris by train - It was once again time to get away from it all. So without further ado, we asked our dear friends if they would accompany us on a short trip to Paris. You have to know, our friends are always happy...

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City trip to New York

City trip to New York

New York - One of the most exciting cities in the world Instead of going to Lake Garda, the time came in October 2022. After 10 years, we once again made a city trip to New York! This time we were very well organized and prepared. Because on our last trip, we were...

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Hier teilen wir unsere Gedanken zu verschiedenen Themen des Alltags

Too old to blog at 50? Or too old to try something new? Here you can find articles about these and other lifestyle topics

How you can support our blog

How you can support our blog

Support our blog - There is a lot of passion in our Lake Garda blog, but also a lot of work. A blog article doesn't write itself, even in the age of AI there is a lot of manual work in every post.Why is it important to support our blog? We are very happy to share our...

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Plus Size Outdoor Clothing

Plus Size Outdoor Clothing

The search for the perfect fit! Plus Size Outdoor Clothing - What does Plus Size have to do with Lake Garda Blog? Good question! Since we are very fond of sports and do a lot of hiking, biking and much more on Lake Garda, of course I need the appropriate clothing. I...

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Wir testen und empfehlen verschiedene Produkte für Euch

Our product reviews are based exclusively on items that we have purchased and tested ourselves. Only when a product really convinces us do we recommend it. The product links on our website are affiliate links, which means we receive a small commission if you make a purchase through that link. With every purchase you help us to keep this website running and improving. We appreciate your support and thank you very much for it!

Sports bra – large sizes strong support

Sports bra – large sizes strong support

Product description Sports bra - large sizes strong support A small note in advance: We only write product reviews for items that we own and use ourselves. We only give a purchase recommendation if we are convinced of the product. The links to the products are...

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Drinking bottle with water filter

Drinking bottle with water filter

Product description Drinking bottle with water filter - A small note in advance: We write product reviews only on items that we own and use ourselves. We only give a purchase recommendation if we are convinced of the product. The links to the products are so-called...

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Unsere leckersten Rezepte findet ihr hier

We like to try something new or take inspiration from Italian cuisine. Have fun cooking!

Pistachio mousse recipe

Pistachio mousse recipe

Pistachio mousse - A pistachio delicacy with a light texture that will conquer your taste buds and those of your guests! Perfect at the end of a meal, but also as a delicious snack or sweet treat. And best of all, it can be prepared in just 15 minutes!Pistachio mousse...

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Pistachio truffles – simple and delicious!

Pistachio truffles – simple and delicious!

Not every pistachio dessert has to be complicated. These delicious pistachio truffles are the best example of this. Not only do they look great, they can also be prepared in just 10 minutes - without any cooking! You can find our high-quality pistachio cream and...

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Cheese truffles with pistachios recipe

Cheese truffles with pistachios recipe

Cheese truffles with pistachios recipe - These delicious cheese balls are perfect as a starter or as a "greeting from the kitchen". Not only do they look great, they taste great too! Try it out for yourself! Psst, a little tip: You can find the chopped pistachios and...

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